Love Doesn’t Live Here Anymore…

Italo Calvino

I believe a soul is like a house.

It keeps within part of the joys and laughs as well as the sadness and misfortune and all the they hardly let them go away.

Most people stop and knock at the door, inhabitants just walk right in and some weird people just burst though right into your very core. And you? What do you do? Were you expecting them, do they need an invitation for their visit, do you not want them near?

frozen hearth

Have you ever wondered: Is my heart an open door? Not just for love but for the people you know or knew. Continue reading

Red’s *My No Need For Make-Up* Dye

Red Heel Sock Owl

I think I mentioned getting some Dye from my Aunt and Uncle which was a dark red. I didn’t use it yet because I forget it here, at my Grandparents while I was away at my Mom’s (hence the long absence).

So, while away, I bought a deep-red-towards-purple one that I simply love and I used in the past. Did I mention that I love it? Oh yeah, I did. It is not a permanent dye, just one that doesn’t harm your hair and should wash away in a few. Not so happy about that but I don’t want my hair to go though real dye at the expense of a longer experience. My hair it’s bad enough as it is and I already burned it once, as a kid (Baby Shampoo…).

This is my third time I think and, (just to share an inside joke) when I dyed it the second time, I asked my aunt to do it. She kept joking about the color looking really bright and me turning out to look like a carrot. Thankfully, her wish didn’t come true neither then, neither now. Phew! …Let’s not count the first time when I ended up with orange hair after it started washing off…Yeah, let’s not tell her that, she’ll never let me live it down. Continue reading