Alone, Muddy and Thirsty.

Yep, I just chewed a daily prompt. I won’t write more on it, that’s on my previous post so go and read. :P

Still, I just wanted to make an update here. As you know, I’m away for the weekdays because of that pesky Highschool so I’m far behind on posts and reading blogs, commenting on them and so on. Want me to give you a poke? Tell me. I’m way too busy to go though everything so, chances are, I won’t, as sad as that is.


received 2 awards from Ute (*The Versatile Blogger* and *Shine On*<–I got kind of nominated to this by someone else, the awards which I will hang on the sides after I do the post about them) but I gotta go though my whole *following* list to pick people out so I will post that later this month. Ah, I feel like slacking off. Oh well. :P I already thanked you twice but hey, 3 times a charm. :)

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House full of cats

Cats are my favorite animals and, because Elizz asked me about my cats (hers are beautiful) I decided to try to photograph them and show them off…Let’s say that proved to be a disaster and leave it to that.

Still, I got some pics of doubtful quality and struggle of some ugly cats which refuse to be petted (deep sigh). I got someone else to hold them because they just didn’t want to stay put for a second. I got some marks myself (imagine me dancing around to photograph them while they tried to move in all directions). I did a quick Pait-Crop and text job, I shamefully admit. I will try to get some better pics another time:
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Stuck With a Black Hearth on Board (Hole in My Soul-Blog Challenge-Part 2)

Hey! Today I decided to do another one and it helped me a lot, plus, I enjoyed it ( Back in Time Challenge answered by me here was the other one I did) So now I’m doing this blog challenge of Tilda’s. Here’s what it’s all about:

Robbie Williams has a famous song called “Feel”. One of the lines in the song is

“There’s a hole in my soul, you can see it in my face …”

Think about that, and write whatever it makes you “feel”.

Do you identify with it, or does it leave you feeling nothing? Explain.

Can people see it in your face, or is there nothing there to see?
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The Mysterious Orange Flower

It seems elizz took this beautiful photo of an unknown flower. Since neither she, me (I’m no good at flowers) or anyone else knew what it is, we, some of her followers decided to re-blog this and ask for a tiny bit of help. :)

This morning, i noticed orange flowers in bloom in my mother’s garden. When i asked her what those gorgeous looking flowers are, my mother said she doesn’t know because they just appeared in her garden.

Orange Flowers

via photo of the day: orange flowers.

What Are We Doing to The Animals?

What are we doing to the animals?

I really wanted to attack this subject considering people in my country treat animals the worst, probably. They trow them in various places (abandoned or not), they hit them, overwork them (horses for example), they don’t feed or care for their thirst, they hunt them out to put them down, they won’t trow a little bread at them when they see them with only bones beneath the muddy fur on the street, they drive them over on purpose etc. Continue reading