Alone, Muddy and Thirsty.

Yep, I just chewed a daily prompt. I won’t write more on it, that’s on my previous post so go and read. :P

Still, I just wanted to make an update here. As you know, I’m away for the weekdays because of that pesky Highschool so I’m far behind on posts and reading blogs, commenting on them and so on. Want me to give you a poke? Tell me. I’m way too busy to go though everything so, chances are, I won’t, as sad as that is.


received 2 awards from Ute (*The Versatile Blogger* and *Shine On*<–I got kind of nominated to this by someone else, the awards which I will hang on the sides after I do the post about them) but I gotta go though my whole *following* list to pick people out so I will post that later this month. Ah, I feel like slacking off. Oh well. :P I already thanked you twice but hey, 3 times a charm. :)

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